v-data-table 在有使用headers props時,run build會報typescript錯:
Type '{ title: string; key: string; align: string; }[]' is not assignable to type 'readonly { readonly key?: "data-table-group" | "data-table-select" | "data-table-expand" | (string & {}); readonly value?: SelectItemKey<Record<string, any>>; ... 11 more ...; readonly children?: readonly any[]; }[] & readonly { ...; }[]'.
Type '{ title: string; key: string; align: string; }[]' is not assignable to type 'readonly { readonly key?: "data-table-group" | "data-table-select" | "data-table-expand" | (string & {}); readonly value?: SelectItemKey<Record<string, any>>; ... 11 more ...; readonly children?: readonly any[]; }[]'.ts(2322)
index.d.mts(21300, 9): The expected type comes from property 'headers' which is declared here on type 'Partial<{ page: string | number; style: StyleValue; expanded: readonly string[]; tag: string; sticky: boolean; noDataText: string; loadingText: string; itemsPerPageText: string; sortBy: readonly SortItem[]; ... 27 more ...; fixedFooter: boolean; }> & ... 4 more ... & Record<...>'
(property) headers?: readonly {
readonly key?: "data-table-group" | "data-table-select" | "data-table-expand" | (string & {});
readonly value?: SelectItemKey<Record<string, any>>;
... 11 more ...;
readonly children?: readonly any[];
}[] & readonly {
在headers加上as const
const headers = ref([
{ title: 'Plant', align: 'start', sortable: false, key: 'name' },
{ title: 'Light', align: 'end', key: 'light' },
{ title: 'Height', align: 'end', key: 'height' },
{ title: 'Pet Friendly', align: 'end', key: 'petFriendly' },
{ title: 'Price ($)', align: 'end', key: 'price' },
] as const)